Unlock someone’s managed Meta account

This article is only applicable to admins for an organization’s managed Meta accounts.
Managed Meta accounts are locked if unusual activity is detected.
If the person whose account is locked usually logs in with a password and uses a verified domain, or logs in via SSO (example: their Google account), then in some cases they will receive an email with a link to unlock their account. In other cases, we will ask an admin to investigate the issue first.
If the person whose account is locked usually logs in with a password and doesn’t use a verified domain, then we will send an email to an admin for them to investigate the issue. Admins will then need to unlock the account.
Admins will also receive alerts telling them when an account is locked and when the person has regained access.
Note: Locked accounts are different than suspended accounts.
Unlock someone’s managed Meta account
  1. Click SecuritySecurity in the left menu of Admin Center, then click Security alerts.
    • If we lock someone’s managed Meta account, we will email you about it and also notify you in Admin Center. You can also click View alert in the email we send you or click on the notification in Admin Center to reach Security alerts.
  2. Click View detail next to the alert.
  3. Review the information.
  4. Click Unlock account. This sends a link to the person’s email address that lets them unlock their account.
    • You can also choose to review the security log, contact the account owner or contact support if you need to investigate further before unlocking the account.
    • If the account had permissions to access Meta work tools, such as Business Manager, you can click Go to business log to ensure there was no malicious activity by this account.

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