Wipe or release devices enrolled in Meta Quest for Business

This article is only applicable to Meta Quest for Business admins.
Wipe a device enrolled in Meta Quest for Business
When you wipe a device enrolled in Meta Quest for Business, all data will be deleted from the device. If you want to keep using this device for Meta Quest for Business, then on-headset setup will need to be completed again.
To wipe a device enrolled in Meta Quest for Business:
  1. Click Devices in the left menu of Admin Center.
  2. Find the device you want to wipe. You can use the filters to speed up your search.
  3. Click to the right of the device, then select Wipe device.
  4. Review the information and click to check the box to confirm your understanding of what wiping a device means.
  5. Click Wipe device.
Release a device enrolled in Meta Quest for Business
When you release a device enrolled in Meta Quest for Business, it will be removed from Admin Center when the device is next connected to Wi-Fi. The device will not be manageable in Admin Center unless enrolled again, and all its data will be deleted.
To release a device enrolled in Meta Quest for Business:
  1. Click Devices in the left menu of Admin Center.
  2. Find the device you want to release. You can use the filters to speed up your search.
  3. Click to the right of the device, then select Release device.
  4. Review the information and click to check the box to confirm your understanding of what releasing a device means.
  5. Click Release device.
Note: Releasing a device that's connected to a third-party device manager can take up to 2 hours to complete.

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