Edit or delete device profiles for Meta Quest for Business

This article is only applicable to admins with relevant permissions.
The changes you can make in Admin Center to device profiles depend on whether they’re Individual Mode, Shared Mode or third-party device profiles.
Edit or delete Individual Mode and Shared Mode device profiles
  1. Click Devices Devices in the left menu of Admin Center.
  2. Click Device profiles in the left menu.
  3. Click the name of the Individual Mode or Shared Mode device profile you want to change.
  4. In the Details tab you can:
    • Edit the name of the device profile.
    • Set the device profile as the default device profile. This means all new devices and groups in Admin Center will be configured by this device profile unless another is selected.
    • Edit device permissions.
    • Edit the time zone of the device profile.
    • Delete the device profile. Before you do this, you’ll need to remove the profile from any devices.
  5. In the Apps tab you can choose which apps will be automatically installed on devices with this device profile.
  6. In the Networks tab you can choose which networks will be automatically joinable on devices with this device profile.
  7. In the Certificates tab you can choose which certificates will establish secure connections between your organization’s network and devices with this device profile.
  8. In the Security tab you can change security settings.
  9. In the Device experience tab (for Shared Mode device profiles only), you can:
Edit or delete third-party device profiles
  1. Click Devices Devices in the left menu of Admin Center.
  2. Click Device profiles in the left menu.
  3. Click the name of the third-party device profile you want to change.
  4. From here you can:
    • Edit the name of the device profile.
    • Set the device profile as the default device profile. This means all new devices and groups in Admin Center will be configured by this device profile unless another is selected.
    • Edit the third party details.
    • Delete the device profile. Before you do this, you’ll need to remove the profile from any devices.
Apply device profiles

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